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Stars at Work

If you are here this it means you have completed and attended all Star For Life workshops. It is a privilege for Star For Life as an organisation to work with the school, the teachers and all the parents to give you the best possible education.

Here is a reminder of the key messages that we would like you to carry with into your future:

  1. Dreams can be fulfilled – All success starts with a dream.
  2. The power is within you – Our thoughts influence our feelings, and our feelings influence our behaviours.
  3. Knowledge is power – Knowledge about HIV and AIDS gives you the power to live a healthy life.
  4. Stop gender based violence – A community that respects gender diversity is a strong and vibrant community.
  5. Journey to self – If you become conscious of how you feel and think, you can learn to control what you do and avoid bad habits and behaviours that put your health and success at risk.
  6. Rights and responsibilities – Your sexual rights mean that you control your sexuality.
  7. Journey to success – Only you can decide the meaning of your personal success.
  8. Shine on!!! –  Reach for your dreams.
  • Watch your thoughts they become words;
  • Watch your words they become actions;
  • Watch your actions they become habits;
  • Watch your habits they become character;
  • Watch your character it becomes your destiny.
  • SFL values: I go for my dreams! AIDS-free, that’s me! I decide! I’m committed! I make it possible!

How do I sign up for the Yes 4 Youth?
YES is a business driven collaboration together with government
and labour to create employment opportunities for youth in South Africa.

Register on the YES Website
Visit the YES website
Click on the 4 youth Tab.
Select register.
Follow the instructions and answer all the questions (please tick matric completed).
Play the knack game to increase your chances of a quality work experience.

Play the Knack Game
This smart gaming app helps you to discover your talents and skills, to find your best job opportunities and to be discovered by employers in order to help you build the most promising future.

  • Find a nice quiet environment where you will be able to sit uninterrupted for an hour.
  • Make sure you have access to data on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Go to the play store.
  • Search for Knack games.
  • Install/download Knack games.
  • Open Knack games.
  • Sign Up – using your valid email address.
  • Create a password.
  • Enter the Knack code za2mq.
  • Play all three games, META MAZE, BOMBA BLITZ and DASHI DASH.

What can I do whilst looking for employment?

  • Prepare a quality C.V. and ensure all your documents are in order:
  • Certified copy of ID book.
  • Certified copies of matric certificate.
  • Visit youth recruitment portals:
  • Sign up to as many sites as possible.
  • Read the jobs section of your local newspaper:
  • Send your C.V. to all suitable job adverts.
  • Reputable recruitment sites do not require payment upfront; be careful of scams.
  • Increase your qualifications and skills:
  • Skills development workshops.
  • Short courses, certificates and diplomas.
  • Gain work experience:
  • Start volunteering.
  • Seek internships.
  • Participate in community projects.
  • Work towards a driver’s license.
  • Stay motivated:
  • Keep busy.
  • Network.
  • Celebrate small achievements.
  • Exercise and eat healthy.
  • Maintain positive thoughts and continue working on your dream book.

How do I create a quality C.V.?

Make sure you include the following details on your C.V:
Your full name.
Your ID number.
Your cell phone number.
Your email address.
Your full physical address.
A short relevant introduction about yourself.
Your education history: This should include where you studied and any short courses and diplomas you have completed as well as the start and end dates.
Copies of the certificates that you received when you completed these studies.
Your work/volunteer history: This should include where you worked, what you did, the start and end dates and reference contact details.
Visit the links included in this booklet for more tips on how to prepare your C.V. as well as for a C.V. template.
Do a spell check.